I get to the heart of things quickly. With 20 years experience, I can see what matters after a relatively short period of time. My superpowers are intuitive insight, deep listening and curiosity. High concept, tone of voice, workshop facilitation, brand articulation and creative copywriting are my areas of expertise but I will happily turn my hand to writing short and long copy that breathes life into an existing brand.
The intention is to boil the brand down to its essence. There is a dynamic energy and fire that goes into the deep listening, thorough conversations, and ongoing inquiry of the distillation stage. It’s an initiatory process of interviews, workshops and research where you have time and space to collectively explore who you are, what you do, why you exist and what you care about.
After the engagement and research, the vapour is the drawing out of the key themes, the positioning territories, the reified essence. A condensing of everything that has come to the surface in the dynamic exchanges that take place in the distillation.
This is the transformation of the vapour back into form. Poured into the container of a brand platform with vision, values, purpose, proposition and personality. All impurities removed. Your brand clarified and potent.